Friday, September 2, 2011

Forgive and Forget (an article from Activated)

My heart aches for you. I feel your pain, the anger, the regret, the remorse, the feelings of being hurt and angered by the faults and mistakes and sins of others.  I also know that it's human nature to want to retaliate, to want revenge, and to resist that inner voice that tells you to forgive and bury your differences. To truly forgive and forget is difficult.

Only through love and forgiveness can you be freed from these roots of bitterness that entangle your heart, and you get that love and forgiveness from Me. I am love, I am forgiveness, and I am here for you, waiting to lift this load that you've been carrying around. Take it off and give it to Me. Just say, "Jesus, take this. I don't want it anymore." Together we will bury it in My love. Then you will feel light as a feather and the future will look bright once again, for you will experience the joy of My Spirit and know that I have made you whole again.


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