Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Contentment in Solitude

We were born alone, we die alone. – The Art of Getting By

Years ago, I came across an article entitled The Secret Joys of Solitude. Is there indeed joy in being alone? The thought of spending your life by yourself is enough to give you something to worry about in the next few days, even months. So what good is there in choosing to have a lonely life?

When you’re alone, it would be easier to learn to be content and happy. Contentment is a tricky subject, there seems to be a lot of stuff that make us discontented. When we wallow in our earthly desires and allow it to consume our thoughts, we tend to forget that we are but travelers passing through this world.  Nothing is really ours. Our goals may include amassing great wealth, collecting gadgets, being with the friends and people we like, and so on. When we attach ourselves to everything that this world has to offer, we think that we will be contented and won’t yearn for more. How very wrong this thought is. You see, we cannot serve two masters at the same time. If we serve our earthly desires, we cannot fully serve God. The other case will be that if we serve God, we learn and understand what it is to be contented whether we are rich or poor. When God is present in our lives and we follow His will, we will be richly blessed and that alone should be the sole basis of our contentment. So does this mean that we should just live our lives alone? Read on.

A life lived the way God wants us to, is the best kind of life there is. God is the source of everything so He is capable of giving us anything we could possibly want. But God doesn’t want us to be so attached to our temporary home, which is the Earth. So what He does is gives us only what we truly need. He gave us family and friends to love and cherish but He doesn’t want us to be dependent and too attached to them. The same is true for all the other things that we could possibly want; He just gives us what is truly essential to our existence. When we focus on making ourselves better and not compare ourselves to others, it is then that we can begin to appreciate and value who and what we have. At the end of our journey, it won’t be between you and them, it’s going to be between you and God. So start thinking more about the things in life that make it worth living. When we invest, we should make sure that our relationship bank accounts are not in deficit. Let us live a life that is all about what matters most.