Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Gift of Today

There are times when I get so preoccupied with a lot of things inside my head that I fail to notice I’m missing out on a lot of important things. There are also days when I worry so much about what the future holds that I fail to be glad about the present – it’s right there in front of me. Waiting for me to live it and just appreciate it. Worst of all, I have moments when I dwell in the past so much that I fail to remember that life is actually meant to be lived forward and not backwards.
There’s a quote from Kung Fu Panda that really stuck in my head and I’m striving to live by it – “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift – that’s why it’s called present”. What do you do when somebody gives you a present? You should be thankful and appreciative of that gift, right? That’s the least you can do for the one who gave you the present. Human as I am, I have a tendency to make a big deal out of inconsequential things that I fail to appreciate the beauty of the gift that’s right before me.
Yesterday is history. I used to make such a big issue out of things that have gone wrong – thinking and rethinking about how I could have done it some other way just to change the outcome. Sadly, no matter what I do, something tells me that nobody could have fared better than I did. It was meant to happen that way. So instead of wallowing in regret, I should just look at it as a learning experience instead of a big mistake.
Tomorrow is a mystery. The near future seems to be so daunting to me, simply because I don’t have any idea of what it brings. I used to believe that I make my own destiny – well, in a way, I do. With all the choices I make, how my life turns out is a product of my own decisions, definitely not somebody else’s. I realized lately that tomorrow is not just a big mystery or a question mark. It’s also a bonus – a blessing from God that allows us to fulfill our dreams and aspirations. I don’t have an assurance that I will wake up tomorrow but I still plan about what I’m going to do in the next days and even years to come. Somehow, there is this innate feeling in me that tomorrow will be great for as long as I trust in God’s plans for me, for He alone knows what is truly best for me.
Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called present. To really live in the present without regrets over the past and anxieties for the future sometimes seem to be an overwhelming task. But God’s grace and His love is enough to make me see that indeed today is a present and the least I can do for Him is to share the gift with other people by living my life as beautifully as I can.
Life is beautiful. Live it well.

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